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Solid wall partition

Solid partitions ensure better sound-proofing and privacy in the office space, and when clad in wooden veneer, they bring exceptional comfort to the interior. Combining them with glass surfaces makes for a varied and pleasant design. At Glawall, we can offer several types of solid partition systems like Laminate partition, steel partition and etc..


90 Series

Height: Up to 7500mm                            

Width: Up to 1600mm              

Wall thickness: 90mm                 

Panel thickness: 12mm laminated board    

Design features: Solid panels with/without aluminum frame  

●Core Construction: Panel to panel joint by steel keel structure

●Frame assembling: Pre-assembling in factory

●Module Dimension: Customized size as per plan

●Average thickness of profile: 3.0mm

●Sound insulation: 43-48db

Acoustic rockwool: Optional

●Color: Black, sliver , gray

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108 Series

Height: Up to 7500mm                            

Width: Up to 1600mm              

Wall thickness: 108mm                 

Panel thickness: 12mm laminated board    

Design features: Solid panels with/without aluminum frame  

●Core Construction: Panel to panel joint by steel keel structure

●Frame assembling: Pre-assembling in factory

●Module Dimension: Customized size as per plan

●Average thickness of profile: 3.0mm

●Sound insulation: 45-48db

Acoustic rockwool: Optional

●Color: Black, sliver , gray

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